This was a recipe I was so proud of when developing, its creative and beautiful and something I wouldn't normally go for (I don't like gingernuts) but is delicate and delicious. I've made it into mini tarts, but you can make one bigger one in a spring-form pan as well.

3-4 tangelos (or use oranges if not in season)
250g mascarpone cheese
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup cream
¼ cup icing sugar, sifted
250g gingernut biscuits
100g butter, melted
½ tsp ground ginger
½ tsp ground cinnamon
Line a 12-hole muffin tin with paper cases. Alternatively line a spring-form pan.
Zest and juice 1 tangelo then scoop out flesh and roughly chop, set all aside. With the remaining tangelos, thinly slice until you have 12 rounds, then using a sharp knife, cut the rind off each round in a neat circle. Place one tangelo round into the bottom of each muffin case (or layer the bottom of the spring-form).
Place mascarpone and vanilla in a large bowl and beat with a whisk or a hand mixer until smooth and there are no lumps. Add cream and continue to whisk until soft peaks form. Add sifted icing sugar, reserved tangelo zest, juice and chopped flesh and slowly fold through to combine.
Once all is combined, disperse mixture evenly into muffin cases on top of tangelo slices in an even layer. Place into the freezer to set while you prepare the crumb.
Place biscuits and spices into a food processor and blend until it forms a fine crumb, slowly add melted butter and mix until well combined. Alternatively, place biscuits into a sealed plastic bag and crush with a rolling pin until they are a crumb consistency, then mix with all remaining crumb ingredients in a large bowl.
Remove tarts from freezer and add a layer of crumb mixture to each tart, making sure that no mascarpone mixture shows through. Pat down gently with a spoon or your fingers so it’s a flat layer and return to the freezer to set for about 1½ hours or until firm. Reserve any leftover crumb to garnish with.
Remove tarts from freezer and leave on the bench for 5-10 minutes before peeling off cases. Don’t peel of the cases too soon or the paper will stick to the tangelo. Allow to warm up slightly and they should remove with ease.